Plastik-Modellbausatz für ein Panzermodell des russischen JS-3M
Farbe & Klebstoff nicht enthalten !
Hersteller: Trumpeter 00316
Maßstab: 1:35
- fertige Länge / Breite: 197 / 97 mm
- Teileanzahl: 246
- Decals für sowjetische und ägyptische Armee
The IS-3M was a modernized IS-3, the parallel program for the IS-3M began in 1960 and included additional hull reinforcement, replacement of the DShk 12.7mm machine gun with the DShKM, addition of a TVN-2 might vision device for the driver, substitution of the V-54K-IS engine, incorporation of the Multitsiklon air filter system and many other small changes. New wheels were added from the T-10 heavy tank which, had improved ball-bearings. In addition, external stowage was improved and dust shirts were added over the suspension.
Farbe & Klebstoff nicht enthalten !
Hersteller: Trumpeter 00316
Maßstab: 1:35
- fertige Länge / Breite: 197 / 97 mm
- Teileanzahl: 246
- Decals für sowjetische und ägyptische Armee
The IS-3M was a modernized IS-3, the parallel program for the IS-3M began in 1960 and included additional hull reinforcement, replacement of the DShk 12.7mm machine gun with the DShKM, addition of a TVN-2 might vision device for the driver, substitution of the V-54K-IS engine, incorporation of the Multitsiklon air filter system and many other small changes. New wheels were added from the T-10 heavy tank which, had improved ball-bearings. In addition, external stowage was improved and dust shirts were added over the suspension.